Get to Know David
How long I’ve been at talent? 3 years
What’s your favorite boxing strike? Hooks
What’s your go to snack? Honey Oats in Greek Yogurt mixed with cinnamon and honey
What’s your favorite hobby? Sparring, Weightlifting, Reading
Do you have any nicknames? Dave
Describe your personality in 3 words? Outgoing, Stubborn, Honest
What do you like about helping people see results? I enjoy seeing people progress through our program, it represents their commitment to self- improvement and my work as an instructor.
What are you grateful for? Life and Family
List 3 role models that inspire you? I’m self motivated
What’s one fun childhood memory you had as a kid? Getting suspended for spraying liquid-ass in the middle school cafeteria
What are some things you love about being a coach / talent? I enjoy helping people become better versions of themselves and seeing a boost in their confidence, physical performance and mental toughness. It reminds me of my process training growing up.